Background Life

Stephen De Zylva is an active member of the Northern Territory Community.

He was born on the 28th of October 1995 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

He comes from a family of 12, consisting of 5 Boys, 5 Girls to a long married Father and Mother.

At an Early Age he attended Parap Primary School, where he was elected in the Student Representative Council and also as the Vice House Captain.

Stephen was placed in the gifted and talented section of the school.

Stephen attended his Middle School Years at St John’s Catholic College.

At St John’s Stephen learnt his core values and strengthened his beliefs in respect for each other.

Stephen atteneded his High School Years at Darwin High School and studied the STEM division, being placed in the top Mathematical specialist class in Year 12.

Stephen on completion of his Australian High School Education in 2013 was awared a Norther Territory Certificate of Education and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of 94.25.

Stephen was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for High Achievement.

The areas he studied included Mathematical Studies, Mathematical Specialist, Robotics, Chemistry.

He then went on to complete his Trade Course as a Refrigeration Mechanic under the company Genair.

Stephen developed high skills in the Air Conditioning Industry in his Early Teens.

Completing his trade course as a refrigeration Mechanic by early 20s.

He later went on to study his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Charles Darwin University.

Furthering his studies with a Master of Professional Engineering at Swinburn University of Technology.

Stephen is now the Managing Director of A1 Thermal Pty Ltd.

He has strong beliefs in religion and regularly attends the Glory Church.

A regular tither, he gives a part of his wage for the development of the community with those contributions going towards helping those who are vulnerable and less fortunate.

Stephen also provides the Church with his skills, helping the community with their domestic air conditioning needs.

An active member of the Northern Territory community, his family values of care, compassion and connection for the community are central to his life.

Stephen’s contribution to the Community is in many ways an extension of his work.  He often considers the project and tries to gauge what help is needed.

Whether it is a small business or a faith-based organization, he structures his charges accordingly trying to put back into the community in a small way.